У «клоуна» смешная шевелюра, поэтому факты веса не имеют

Завтра выборы президента США. Для Панамцев это важно:
- доллары тут основная валюта и на нас аукнется в любом случае
- много сервисов завязано на банках
- находимся совсем близко и США уже «помогала» Панаме бомбами с воздуха
Знакомых этот день совершенно не волнует. Самое большое, что я видел это перепосты с 9gag: «Трамп = Расист = Гитлер». Медиа этот образ настолько усиленно проталкивает, что вспоминаю вопрос из детства: «А вот ты если б в прошлое вернуться мог, убил бы Гитлера?»
Дети детьми, но по позиции взрослого человека на завтрашнюю развилку понять можно многое. Насколько он оперирует фактами и использует логику. А насколько «мне Трам не нравится, он же клоун и дурак, а Хилари будет первой женщиной на посту президента».
Прочел короткую книгу бывшего либертерианца Mike Cernovich «MAGA Mindset: Making YOU and America Great Again».
Про свободу слова:
Voters believe they decide who wins the election. But where do voters get the information that is the basis for their decisions? When the media controls what information flows to voters, then democracy is a myth. We live in a mediacracy, not a democracy.
Free speech is all or nothing. You don’t get to pick and choose. There is no hate speech. It is all free speech.
If what you say makes them feel bad, then it’s wrong. It doesn’t matter if what you say is true or not. Being silenced for telling the truth is a key feature of politically correct culture. As George Orwell famously put it, “Truth is treason in an empire of lies.” And yet, silencing hundreds of millions of people doesn’t change their minds. It doesn’t make them think any differently. It only makes them angrier and more desperate for someone who can speak for them.
In short, I want equal treatment under the law. That’s boring, old-school stuff. Or at least, it should be. If women can unite for causes common to them, then men can too. And should! If you’re going to allow blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and every other racial group to form political interest groups and factions based on their ethnicity, then you must allow whites to do the same thing. Refusing to allow one specific race to collectively participate in the modern political process is, I daresay, racist.
Whether someone is a Jew or not means nothing to me either way. I won’t censor myself just because you are offended, nor will I hate you because of it. As Ben Shapiro likes to say, “the facts don’t care about your feelings.” I will treat you like a man regardless of who you are.
Про иммигрантов:
When you allow the entry of people who refuse to assimilate into American culture, or who outright hate American values such as freedom of speech, free enterprise, and religious tolerance, you change the foundation of the nation, and you change it for the worse.
Про отношения женщин и мужчин:
For a society to function properly there must be a proper balancing of feminine and masculine energy. Masculinity and femininity are complements, not substitutes.
Women and men are neither superior nor inferior to each other. We are co-equals who have different strengths and weaknesses. Women grow human life. Men support human life. But if one were to judge by the newspaper headlines and public policies, one could not escape the impression that men are evil and that woman can do no wrong.
Question the obviously false claim that one in four women are raped in college and you’re “promoting rape culture.” Point out the faulty math behind the gender wage gap and you’re justifying misogyny. Question the outrageous declarations of groups like Black Lives Matter, or even speak out against their support for murdering police officers, and you’re a racist.
О позитивном мышлении:
Positive thinking does not mean you live in a state of denial. It doesn’t mean you deny reality or pretend you’re in a different situation than you are. Positive thinking means that you recognize that life has pluses and minuses, and that part of the beautiful journey of life is learning how to overcome the negative aspects.
Книга также выложена бесплатно в аудиоверсии на канале у Stefan Molyneux.